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Will the VW / Rivian partnership last longer Danny and Sandy's "Summer Love"?

Will the VW / Rivian partnership last longer Danny and Sandy's "Summer Love"?

A month ago, on June 25, Volkswagen Group made headlines by announcing a significant investment of $1 billion in Rivian Automotive. The automaker also stated...
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Wards Auto: How dealers can win over Gen Z buyers

Wards Auto: How dealers can win over Gen Z buyers

This year’s Urban Science/Harris Poll offers welcome news for dealers looking to boost profits, gain customers, and build loyalty. Data shows Generation Z consumers highly...
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A 12-Volt Thunderdome May Be Coming

A 12-Volt Thunderdome May Be Coming

In the spring, hot off the heels of the Auto Expo move-in and just after meeting with the fire department and Duke Energy Convention Center...
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